We received a question regarding the land behind The Plaza at Buckland Hills from a reader. According to documents presented in to the Planning and Zoning Commission in South Windsor, a large housing development was being considered!
At the January 9th meeting representatives from Washington Prime Group (owner of the land and The Plaza at Buckland Hills) presented preliminary plans for over 600 new apartments on the site. These plans are still preliminary and subject to change. The units would be spread across across a number of buildings in the development. A portion of the apartments would be affordable according to the developers, though the majority would be market-rate. A number of commissioners expressed their dissatifaction with the plan for the site including its density; while others were open minded about it. The site is zoned as commercial, and would require a zone change for the new development. No formal application has been submitted for the development; only a preliminary review of the plans for feedback. You can check out the exhibits here: https://www.southwindsor-ct.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif8416/f/minutes/1-9-24_exhibit_0.pdf and the meeting minutes here: https://www.southwindsor-ct.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif8416/f/minutes/1-9-24_minutes.pdf
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